Thursday, February 13, 2014

No Trespassing, Utah's HB37

Every angler has done it! You roll out of bed wanting to wet a line on a new stretch of water. As your driving down the road reading the river, creek, stream or lake looking for that special place you've never fished. Looking and looking and looking.... Wait! What! There it is! Isn't it beautiful? You park your car, grab your gear and sprint to the water only to find a NO TRESPASSING sign standing in your way! You went from being the happiest person on earth to wanting to snap your rod in half.

Picture Source:
Deseret News
While growing up fishing in Idaho I knew that there was a historical high water mark on all water ways. Idaho will allow fishermen to fish all navigable waterways as long are you remain below the historical high water mark. By doing so, land owners couldn't run you off. To me, this was amazing. The only thing on my mind was don't abuse it. Don't be the person that messes it up for everyone. Pack out what you pack in. When I moved to Wyoming I thought the same rules applied. I learned very quickly that I couldn't have been more wrong. Who knows how many times I was trespassing on someones land before I knew what I was doing. I started to hear things about the land owners running fishermen off with shotguns or calling the Game and Fish Dept on trespassers. Once hearing about that I was very cautious where I was at all times while on the water.

I have recently read that Utah has introduced a bill (HB37) in the house that would allow fishermen to access waterway as long as they stay below the high water mark of the stream. What a grand idea. This has been working in Idaho for about 40 years. I hope that it passes and the Utah outdoors-man/fisherman community has new access to all of the currently private property they want. After all, everyone should have the opportunity to enjoy access to all the river, creeks, stream and lakes across the U.S. I will say however, don't be the person that messes it up for everyone! Respect all aspects of the new found enjoyment. If you pack it in, you better pack it out!

Wyoming, are you next? Are you going to give your water ways back to your people?

Till Next Time - Tight Lines

Tuesday, February 4, 2014


Something that's been stewing in my brain for sometime now is rather or not to start holding giveaways for my loyal followers here and on Twitter. After putting a lot of thought into it I'm pleased to announce the first GIVEAWAY from TheWyoAngler! I'll start out with something small like a dozen flies, a hat or something of the sort. But who knows, if it turns out to be a great success I may start giving away things like rods, reels or waders. Shortly you will find a giveaways page in the menu bar, check it on a regular basis and you could be one of the lucky WINNER! All the information you will need like: ways to enter, rules, contest dates, etc can be found under the giveaways tab. If you have any suggestions on what you would like to see under the giveaways tab follow and message me on twitter @thewyoangler. Good Luck!

Till Next Time - Tight Lines